Monday, April 17, 2017

Triple Talaq is an injustice to Muslim women

The practice of Triple Talaq in Muslim community is a curse. It is against the dignity, equality and safety of Muslim sisters in their society. The Narendra Modi govt. and the BJP have already expressed their views against Triple Talaq. It is against progress and development. Triple Talaq is a retrograde practice imposed on Muslim women by Maulanas and Maulvis in Muslim society. It is exploitative and absurd practice of giving divorce to Muslim women by men. Supreme Court is to start hearing the case of Triple Talaq from the next month. Several Muslim sisters have raised her voices against the practice of Triple Talaq. Muslim women's dignity, equality and safety suffer most by the practice of Triple Talaq in their community. Man and woman have been given equal right by the Constitution of India. In spite of this, why women in Muslim community are treated as toys with which men play as long as they want and after that they throw them by only uttering Talaq thrice. They can do it on the Telephone and through the SMS. What is this? This is sheer injustice to Muslim sisters in the society. The practice of Triple Talaq must be done away with as soon as possible. It is good that Narendra Modi -led NDA government is the practice of Triple Talaq. In most of the Islamic country, there is no practice of Triple Talaq. There is no practice of Triple Talaq in Indonesia despite it being the largest Muslim populated country of the world. Our hostile neighbour Pakistan, which is one of the most important frontline Muslim countries as far as theocracy is concerned, doesn't favour the practice of Triple Talaq. In India, the main exponents of Triple Talaq in Muslim society are Mullahs and Maulvis, who exploit the society in the name of religion. Some days back even Vice President's wife Salma Ansari had reportedly spoken against Triple Talaq at a function. It is said that there is nothing like Triple Talaq in the Quran, which is the most sacred book of Muslims. All India Personal Law Board amidst the opposition to Triple Talaq by some of the educated Muslim women has taken the decision in their meeting that those Muslim male members who give Triple Talaq without concrete and just reasons; they would be boycotted in the society. But AIPLB has openly opposed any interference in their personal law by the government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reportedly said at his party's National Executive Meeting in Bhubneswar to BJP leaders and workers to reach to Muslim community to convey his message to resolve the issue of Triple through consent, but not by conflict. Modi govt. wants to win the sympathy of those Muslim women who are against Triple Talaq on one hand and not prepared to take measures to do away with the practice on the other. The ruling BJP favours Uniform Civil Code. But India is a diverse country in which different communities practise different practices. Unity in diversity is the beauty of India. So, no govt. can dare make law to abolish the practice which is not only outdated but also outrageous, undignified and medieval, but linked to religious belief. It is the medieval mindset of Mullahs in Muslim society who advocate for the continuance of Triple Talaq even in 21st century India. Triple Talaq is a bane for Muslim sisters. They must be given equal right and freedom to leave a life of dignity. The Govt. of India can bring a bill in Parliament to do away with the practice of Triple Talaq in Muslim society. But no govt. will ever do that and the issue will only be in public discourse to polarize the society on the basis of religion. Otherwise, when the practice of Triple Talaq violates human rights, why govt. is not seen to be active in taking measures to end Triple Talaq - the bane for Muslim sisters.

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