The N-Plant of Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu is under contruction and one of its units are to go dry runs shortly. The people of the areas surrounding the under-construction N- Plan are on fast to protests against it. The protest has overwhelming support of the local population of Koodankulum that made the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jailalithaa move to write a letter to the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, echoing the demand of the protesters to halt the project immediately.
The protesters are terrified and fearful in the wake of Japan’s earthquake in recent past that caused the nuclear disaster. They also demand the resolution of the issue by the Assembly in regard to the halt of the plant. It is a widely accepted fact the electricity is indispensable for development and its demand can be met by nuclear plant. So, electricity being the main propeller of development, N-Plant is also inevitable and requirement of the time.
But after considering the apprehension of the people of impending danger of Koodankulum N-Plant, prime minister has rightly sent his emissary V Narayanswami, minister of state in PMO, to explain in detail about the preventive measures for safety against any of their apprehending danger about it.
This Koodankulam N-Plant is being constructed in collaboration with Russia. It is considered to be the most sophiscated and advanced N-Pant of the world. So, before taking any step all aspects regarding it must be kept in view.
Nuclear plant is the need of our country because it is already power-starved. Without the production of adequate electricity, no developmental project is possible. But at the same time, life and property of the people also must not be lost sight of. Because it is precious.
High profile activist Medha Patkar has also joined the protests of the villagers and has rightly raised the fishermen apprehension of losing their livelihood if the N-Plant becomes operational. Narayanswami as the emissary of prime minister should make the protesters understand the requirement of N-plant for the nation and at the same time Govt’s resolve about the safety of the local population in all respects .
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
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