The Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has introduced the long-awaited Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation And Resettlement Bill, 2011 in Lok Sabha. The acquisition of land by the government for itself and private companies on the basis of out-dated and confused Land Acquisition Act 1894 has created unrest among the farmers and land owners recently in states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and several other places in the country.
The Land owners and farmers deep disgust over government's high-handedness that led to their protests in several parts of the country have necessitated the replacement of old laws with farmers and land-owners’ centric land acquisition act. This is a right move of the govt.
The livelihood of farmers,land owners and labourers is mainly dependent on land. So, it is invaluable for them. In addition to that, they feed the entire nation by farming the land.Because despite setting up of industries on large scale, the human beings have to take food and for this food grain is most essential.
while acquring the land, the government must clearly spell the purpose to land owners and farmers and keep their interest uppermost. Multiple-crop land must not be acquired unless and untill most important national purposed is served. The first priority must be to acquire waste land.
Though the synopsis of the bill is in the interest of land owners, farmers and labourers, all problem arise when it is interpreted by the vested interests at the time of land acquisition. Whatever may be the urgency of the land for the government or industry, the consent of the land owners, farmers and labourers must be pre-requisite.
The land is the most precious property for the farmers. They never like to lose land. Because it is deeply attached to their sentiment. One thing also is most important that food grain is the first necessity for human being and more than 70 percent of our population is still dependent on agricultural land.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
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