Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra tried to shatter all constitutional machineries and establish himself as invincible, but the verdict of High Court in regard to the appointment of Lokayukta is a serious setback to him. By upholding the appointment of Gujarat Lokayukta R A Mehta by the Governor Kamla Beniwal, Gujarat High Court has given the right and welcome verdict. HC has dismissed the plea of the state challenging it.
The post of Lokayukta had been lying vacant in Gujarat for the last 8 years because of the dilly-dallying tactics of the Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
This is a serious setback for Narendra Modi Government. The Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court had sent the name of retired justice to appoint Lokayukta but Modi government did not accept the name for the post.
The deadlock with the Chief Justice was deliberately created by Chief Minister Narendra Modi because he in the capacity of the CM of state thought himself to be the law unto himself. He tried to undermine Chief Justice and it appeared that he thought to be accountable to none.
It seems that the power has blinded CM to reasoning and he appears to have lost the sense of reasoning and logical thinking. He describes the interference of Governor as a Congress conspiracy because of its being power at the Centre. When the deadlock arose between Chief Justice and Chief Minister over the appointment of Lokayukta, Governor in the capacity of constitutional representative of the Centre had rightly stepped in to appoint Lokayukta. Under the given circumstances when the intention of the Council of Ministers appeared to be suspect, Governor’s action is constitutionally valid in restoring the primacy of judiciary by appointing judiciary without their aid and advice.
Lokayukta in the state is appointed to rein in corruption. Modi Government had no Lokayukta for last eight years. If the Modi government has nothing to fear, why had it been deliberately lingering the process of the appointment of Lokayukta in the state? Now with upholding of the appointment of Lokayukta R A Mehta by HC, why is CM Narendra Modi opposed to him and has moved to the Supreme Court against High Court? Mehta is a retired justice and of impeccable integrity and honesty.
The unfolding political war of words between Congress and BJP over Lokayukta and Lokpal is going to be everlasting. Finally, as far as the issue of corruption is concerned, both the political parties have same line of action against corruption. The Gujarat High Court, in a majority decision has upheld the appointment of Lokayukta by the Governor.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
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