BJP’s waxing of morality and probity in public life on the issue of corruption has been exposed in its government of Karnataka. The three BJP ministers in Karnataka were caught on camera watching pornographic picture on their Cell Phones in assembly while the session was on. It is completely against all norms of civility and political culture of India. It also amply reflects BJP’s hollow claim of high moral standing.
Though the three ministers have quit, the impression they have left in the public about degrading standard of BJP is difficult to be erased from public mind. It is indeed a matter of big shame that BJP has neither dismissed three highly immoral ministers in Karnataka from membership of the assembly nor suspended them from primary membership of the party. Seeking resignations just from ministerial posts is not enough. Instead of not punishing its ministers immediately, BJP leadership is giving a set of excuses to save its face, which has already been disfigured. As BJP Speaker of Karnataka assembly did not register any complaint for the offence with police, it is necessary that often misused immunity available to members of legislative Houses (both in Parliament and state-assemblies) may be immediately abolished to bring any unlawful activity of erring members of legislative bodies under normal law of land.
Parliament and state assemblies are the temples of democracy where the people’s problems are considered to be discussed threadbare by its members. But what is happening there hangs our head in shame. It is an act of sacrilege by BJP ministers against assembly proceedings. It reflects that the degeneration has set so deep in political class that it would endanger the health of democracy. Today it is BJP in Karnataka and tomorrow there might be some other political parties somewhere else involved in disrespecting acts of corruption and sexual behaviour.
The porn gate scandal that has taken place in Karnataka assembly is shocking for the nation.
The alleged involvement of a former Rajasthan Congress Minister in Bhambri Devi kidnapping and murder also tells a sorry state of affairs in political class. The incident of Hyderabad Governor’s House sexual sleaze is also reminiscent of the unethical acts of politician. So, immorality prevails in other than BJP also. It needs to be cleansed immediately.
Though all political leaders across the parties are not of loose characters, their number is very few. Political leaders represent the people and set role model for society in democracy. Their main business is to involve themselves in social work and national service. Bhartiya Janata Party being the main opposition party of the nation, it has responsibility of giving the nation an alternative which could reflect standard moral principles. On this count, the BJP has failed completely. The Karnataka incident of pornography has demolished all the tall claims of high moral standard in public life made by the BJP. Merely resigning from the post is not enough. The party must expel them from primary membership immediately without any defence. Karnataka porn scandal also proves party’s preaching of attacking women visiting pubs, bar and celebrating Valentine’s Day to protect Indian civilization a hollow and false moral values. BJP is in power in some major states. Porn clip controversy in Karnataka has embarrassed it beyond any repair. This shows the hiatus between preaching and practice by it. It also shows that there is abundance of corruption and pornography in BJP in Karnataka. The ruling BJP appears to be more interested in entertainment than in government work. There is no need of any enquiry. The guilt is established on the Camera. BJP must throw out the accused ministers of Karnataka without any delay.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
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