Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grim scenario in Pak

The powerful bomb blast near Army Headquaters in garrison city of Rawalpindi in Pakistan that killed atleast 34 innocent persons and injured several others clearly reflects the daring acts of wanton killings by Taliban. They have shown how easily they undermine the might of Pakistan army, once they were nurtured by them. On an average , there have been killings of over 300 persons in the bomb blasts in the last month itself in Pakistan. Pak army is on war path with Taliban in South Waziristan with Taliban which have become a great threat to the existance of Pakistan. The instability in Pakistan is not only dangerous for its next door neighbour India but also the entire world. So, India is very much concerned over the developing situation in Pakistan. The modus perandi of the suicide bombers has the imprint of none other than the Taliban. Tehrike-e-Taliban has become a great threat to the country. Though the US secretary of State Hillary Clinton had visited Pakistan and on the day she arrived in the country, she was greeted by suicide bomb blast that killed over 100 and wounded hundreds. What is this? This is an open challenge to the US. Though she has uttered a few words of praise for Pakistan for fighting terrorism, she had bluntly said that Al-Qaeda is still in activity in the country. All know that Taliban is the creation of Pakistan with full support of the US but now they have become the great enemy of their own creator. Taliban are like Witch who when not finding blood anywhere, they start sucking their own blood. And that is happening in Pakistan. The Mumbai attacks of 26/11 were planed and its strategy were made in Pakistan with the full assistance from its notorious ISI and Pakistan continues to make one excuse after another to act against the perpetrators and have given all state patronage to its mastermind Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed. India has already submitted six dossiers of the involvement of Hafiz Saeed and other Pakistani nationals in Mumbai attacks. Despite all this, Pakistan is doing nothing. India has sent dossiers to sixteen other western powers , including the US. There has also been reported by the intelligence agency of India that Mumbai type attacks may be repeated, though Union Home Minister P ,Chidarambam has very boldly said that the Mumbai type attacks if ever took place again, we would give befitting reply.

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