Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make concerted effort to keep the Mother Earth safe

The entire world must take pledge to keep the mother earth safe to avail the developments made by us in all spheres of life . The earth gives us life and does the job of our mother. So, we have prime responsibility to keep her safe and sound. The industrialised and the developed countries deliberately blame India and China for the deadlock of deal on climate change. The matter of the fact is that it is because of self-centred move of the US, which also emits cabon highest per capita , and also leads the industrialised and developed nations to put pressure on India and China to cut carbon emission, while the carbon emission by India and China is much less than the developed coutries. Environment Minister of India Jairam Ramesh has rightly observed that India is deal maker, and not the deal breaker. India has been always the part of the solution at international level. And this time also India is even prepared to cut its carbon emission per capita despite being already emitted much less to meet the target by 2020. If the industrialised nations of G-7 and developed world really have concerns for increasingly global warming which has necessiated a world conference on climate change for better future, they must act to cut their emmission first and lead the world by example.As long as they continue to go all out for industrialisation, showing no cocern for the damage they are makig to the environment, the world is set to meet its doomsday.India has always been in forefront of any move towards solving the world problem in the interest of humanity. Glaciers are melting at large scale because of rising temperature of the earth and sea water level is rising to engulf the mother earth. But they have little care for that, and only trying to build pressure on the developing countries to cut their carbon emission drastically. It is sheer injustice and India can not tolerate it at any cost.Although India is prepared towards reducing its per capita carbon mission,if necessary, it has not caused the global warming problem. Climate Change Summit at the UN, which was attended by more than 100 world leaders, was convened to mobilise political will ahead of the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen scheduled to be held in December this year.The Indian negotiators stressed that India’s per capita emissions are only around 1 tonne of CO2 equivalent per annum, which is a quarter of the global average and half that of the developing countries as a whole.Under this approach India would pursue unilateral voluntary measures for the year 2020 at national level.India has always been a part of the solution. Developed countries must make substantial emissions cuts for 2020 target. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has rightly lauded India's commitment towards reducing emission and he is optimistic about achieving a deal on climate change at the Copenhagen summit in December.

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